Just one phase! HotStuff-1 offers clients early confirmations and reduces the impact of leader-slowness (MEVs) and Tail-forking attacks
Just one phase! HotStuff-1 offers clients early confirmations and reduces the impact of leader-slowness (MEVs) and Tail-forking attacks
The CLVR algorithm constructs an ordering of trades which approximately minimizes price volatility with a low computational cost
BFT consensus that achieves optimal worst-case communication complexity (quadratic) with constant expected latency
Revisitng HotStuff, it turns out that two phases are enough after all.
An evolution of “Pacemaker” solutions to the Byzantine View Synchronization problem finally led to optimal communication-complexity solutions.
Byzantine Generals with Unknown/Fluctuating Participation extended to tolerate to Minority Corruption.
A full solution for Byzantine Atomic Broadcast with instant finality when there is an unknown and dynamic set of active nodes.
a simple solution for reaching agreement with instant finality when there is an unknown and dynamic set of active nodes
Paradigms for high-throughput transaction execution over a DAG, meeting recent advances in scaling core Consensus ordering protocols in blockchains.
This post describes how to integrate “Order-Fairness” into DAG-based BFT Consensus protocols to prevent BEV exploits
This post describes a simple and efficient DAG-based BFT Consensus embedding – quite possibly the simplest way to build BFT Consensus in a DAG.
A parallel execution engine enforcing block pre-ordering, combined with on-the-fly optimistic Software Transactional Memory.
In this post, we explore Streamlet and some gaps it leaves.
Capturing Byzantine Attacks
Author: Kartik Nayak